Friday, January 2, 2015

New murder mystery party theme

Bored of routine parties and want to try some thing new and trilling. Then here it is, "Murder mystery party"; yes, you heard it right "murder" mystery. This is an interesting party game getting very popular these days. At my recent potluck we had this theme and it was a huge hit, every one loved and enjoyed playing it. From the name " murder mystery party" you must have got the idea there is a murder and a mystery that is to be solved. Now i'l tell you in detail what this game actually is and how this is to be played and hosted.

As you know this is a murder mystery party. During the party each guest will be playing the role of a crew member assigned by the host. The level of success and enjoyment will naturally vary depending on the presentation of your guests and their level of acting talent. If you still are confused about the theme then i will explain in more detail, murder occurs either during the course of the dinner or before the party begins. There are specific number of characters in the story to match the size of your group with background information, costume instructions. Each guest receives a detailed character description in their invitation along with some information on the party and after the act is done, murderer is guessed by all the guests. Here are the guided steps about the game to every one on how to proceed the party.

Steps on how to play this party game:

1. Each guest receives a detailed character description in their invitation along with some background information on the party.
2. Guests arrive at the party.
3. Host reads the introduction.
4. Guests receives a prepared envelope with the information and objective.
5. Murder occurs.
6. Investigator reads and helps on how to proceed where each guest plays their part. 
7. Investigator presents evidences.
8. Host hands out accusation list guessing the murderer along with best dressed and best acting is judged.
9. Murderer is revealed.
10. Person who correctly guesses the murderer and gets max points wins the game.

Well  as you all guys must have understood the party theme. Prize is given at the end of the game to the person who correctly guesses the killer this will keep the sporting spirit in guests. Now all you need is a good script or story to play. You can find few readily available on the internet or you can write your own murder mystery. Writing a story is not so difficult you have to keep few points in mind. Here are few things that may help you write your own mystery

How to write a murder mystery:

1. Choose some specific scenario of the story like it is based in casino or masquerade party.
2. Build your characters according to your guests.
3. Write a main motive for the murder. Make sure every character may be very vague but  
should have a motive to kill the victim.
4. Plot few clues that may lead to the killer and few that may confuse.
5. Build background stories and objectives for each guest to finish either before murder or after the murder.
6. Finally prepare an invitation for your guest. and your all set for the party.

 I will share my murder mystery script which was a huge hit at my recent potluck with my friends in my next post. I have a group of 8 so i wrote my mystery according to my guest which is movie based with characters like actor, actress, director, producer. If you like the concept and have no time to write the story check my other post for full story with character descriptions and objectives. Very interesting story that all your guest will have fun. Do check my next post.

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